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The doctor of the future will give no medicine,

but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame,

Roots of Abundance

 in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.
Thomas Edison
Newborn Baby_edited_edited_edited_edited

Your birth is important. I provide caring, compassionate, and knowledgeable doula services for the greater Atlanta and North GA areas.

beginnings matter.

Hey there! I'm Christie!

I'm a wife of 24 years, mom to 4 amazing individuals, follower of Jesus, and a woman passionate about helping mamas raise healthy families in today's world

I met my husband, Shane, early in my college years, and we married not long afterward.  After graduating from Samford University's nursing school in 2000, I immediately took a job in the ER and found that I loved it. Less than a year later, I was charge nurse on nights for a 15 bed Level 3 Trauma Center in Birmingham, AL. From there, my nursing career led me all over the country working in Emergency Departments from Arizona to Washington to California. After settling in GA, I worked for a short season in inpatient recovery before giving birth to our first child. 


Prior to this season change of life, I lived and looked a lot like the culture around me.  We ate a lot of cheap filler foods.  We had all the mainstream products in our home packed with chemicals of which I never considered the consequences. Not surprisingly, our health began mirroring our choices.  I had irritable bowel issues, chronic bladder problems, and frequent migraines.  We decided to take childbirth classes while pregnant with our first. Those classes changed the trajectory of our family's health.  It was there that I began to realize that the foods I ate actually mattered and I wasn't a sitting duck to whatever might happen during my pregnancy and birth. I felt so empowered! We embraced the education, the intentional choices and changes, and the risk vs benefit decision making concepts that we were learning. We were blessed with a wonderful natural birth with the help of our doula and midwife. 


Family life moved forward, and we went on to have 3 more wonderful babies. With the help of great nutrition and prenatal exercises, I was able to stay low risk and healthy for all my births. That doesn't mean that we didn't face challenges along the way. Birth is never the same. We met the choices before us with the informed decision making skills we had learned in our childbirth classes. Those are the same skills I'm passionate about passing on to couples today. 


I believe you were created well and that your body is perfectly made to not only grow a healthy baby but to birth one too. 


We live in unique days friend. We have more disease-causing chemicals in, on, and around us than any generation before us. Our bodies are bombarded on a daily basis from the foods and products of our world. And in the midst of this, we are surrounded by cultural beliefs that tell us to expect pain and breed fear when we birth our children. 


I want you to know joy and an emotional high unlike any other is possible for you instead. Childbirth is miraculous.  It is powerful.  On that day, not only will a child be born, a mom and dad will also be born- possibly a sister or brother, too.  A whole new family will be born that day! 


An abundant birth filled with joy, wonder, power, and purpose is worth pursuing. I'd be honored to walk beside you as you find YOUR abundant birth.


Join a childbirth education series! Through this same series, my husband and I gained the education and confidence we needed to make decisions that were right for our growing family. 

Don't want to look like the culture looks? You need to do something different than what the culture is doing! 

Looking to kick the chemicals from under the sink and learn how to live from a place of proactive healthcare? Come learn alongside others on the same journey.  

Looking for continuous emotional support and physical comfort during labor?  As a doula, I provide assistance in obtaining information before, during, and just after childbirth.

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